Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Its Been A Looooonnnnng Time!!!

Did you miss me?  My computer was having difficulties....well it still is.  Then I simply forgot about this blog but I did NOT forget about my goals.  Its been 6 months...

Today is weigh in day...

I havent weighed in yet but from what I do know...Im 32.6 lbs down! WOOOHOOO!  Since living in Florida, I have never lost more than 23ish lbs so breaking that has been awesome!

I am now at the weight I was around when I originally moved here.  Which probably doesnt make sense because I just said Ive lost 23ish lbs before.  Well here is what happened...

I was at weight A when I moved here then lost 23ish lbs and got to weight B....then went back to weight A...graduated from graduate school and shot up to weight C and I hadnt gotten back to weight A since 2009.  Get it?  :)

I am due a pair of new fabulous shoes but I just havent found a pair that says 30 lbs PRIZE yet...so I will wait until I see what I desire.

I have also done the unthinkable....Ive joined the gym!  I usually hate the gym....Im still not a huge fan but I do need to add more variety to my regimen especially since I am avoiding plateaus.  I have a few friends that go as well which makes it a lot more comfortable for me.

Though I am not a fan of strength training...I know its necessary for toning and faster fat loss.

I have 5 weeks left till I need to get to my goal of 50 lbs down....I have 18ish lbs to go!  Maybe less since I havent weighed in yet.  Will I get there? I plan on it!

Till Next Time,
Pushing Till 50 lbs DOWN :)


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