In church the cliche or the notion that everyone sins everyday has been around FOREVER. I cant front I used to think the same thing....BEWARE OF RELIGION! See what a religion does is that it sets up a bunch of rituals and thought patterns not always based on the infallible word of the living God. This is a problem....word to the wise just because Sis Johnson or your Sunday school teacher or even your pastor says something does NOT mean it is true. As a mature believer Ive learned to search out a matter thoroughly before I accept it. This isn't to say I don't trust my church leaders because I most certainly do but it is to say that God's word is the final authority not their interpretation. Thankfully for me, they always line up....I happen to attend a very healthy church
But can a human being really live a sin free life? Most would SAY NO! This is probably based on the scripture "All men have sinned and fallen short..." but does this scripture indicate that the sin is continual? NO! It says that at one time or another everyone has sinned and gone against God. Don't get are not dammed to least not yet. God put together a redemptive plan before the foundation of the earth through the blood of His son Jesus Christ and that message can be received TODAY! Romans 10:9 is a good place to start on your road to salvation.
During Jesus' ministry here on Earth he performed many miracles and did many wonders. One thing He would typically say after a miracle was "go and sin no more". I can recall of two specific times, once with the woman who committed adultery (Jhn 8:11) and the crippled man by the pool of Bethseda (Jhn 5:14). Now if this was an impossible feat....why would Jesus tell them to do this? Its not like he was talking in a parable or something....he was DEAD SERIOUS! So why cant we except the notion of living a sinless life? Probably cause most of us dont want like it! Lets change that....
In my lovely opinion I feel the church has set up a system giving people a fleshy excuse to live their lives any kind of way. In the back of most Christians minds there is that reassurance that He will forgive me based on I Jhn 1:9. Last night my pastor showed us a scripture I dont think Ive ever paid much attention to (not to mention Ive read the entire I missed it I dont know);
Look I dont claim to be a bible scholar or nothing BUT I do know how to read and comprehend...this is NOTHING to play around with. Iniquity (habitual sin) will land you in a heap of trouble friends! I cant live for any of you reading this blog but for me and my house...I will do everything I can to expose and remove all sin from my life. I believe its possible. If I fall short IT WONT BE ON PURPOSE, IT WONT BE PLANNED and/or I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS WRONG. For that He is faithful and just to forgive. Stop playing russian roulette with your life...time is winding up. The Earth is slowing giving herself up (take a look at nature...), global warming, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc these things are not just a coincidence...
You are not missing out on anything....TRUST! I dont feel like Im hindered at life is actually better than before and I can have sweet sleep at night because I am sure of my place in Him. Through salvation we are MADE righteous (we cant do it) but the choice to live righteously is YOUR DECISION. Honestly true believers will long to live righteously....if you dont check your status....KILL YOUR FLESH and FEED THE SPIRIT! Check you atmosphere....if you are the only saved person in your crew...maybe you should find another...they are a reflection of you and your character. If wake up in the morning with plans to sin....CHECK THAT! STOP IT PLEASE! Its time to renew the mind....
Ive been there...Im not perfect. Im just a typical woman who has accepted the way to bring me good success. I am a recipient of grace and mercy. Now I am righteous and live holy because of it...will you do the same?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did I miss this article? I know I haven't been here in awhile, but I feel like this just summed up alot of things I teach my girls.
God wasn't teasing us when He said "sin no more"... its possible! Who wouldn't pursue this freedom MORE than a million dollar career?
FREEEDOM! Its here! The Kigndom's not coming.. it came! He died for a reason. It's that serious. Let's get it!
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