Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shhh! Dont Tell Nobody!

Ever learn a lesson in an instant....like BAM!  You finally catch on to what the world has been trying to teach you forever.  I always wondered why my mind sometimes took a little longer than others to receive information at least certain information.  

Are you the kind of person that always says what you feel to whoever, whenever, however.  Did you ever ask yourself why do you do that...  I mean it just hit me like a tsunami this morning [no pun intended]! I have lots of opinions...and quite frankly I believe they are right.  BUT that doesnt mean I have to shut everyone down that is in opposition.  So many people are dealing with so much these days.  At the heart of everything I do and say...I want people to become better and I truly do love all people...even YOU!  

There are times when people dont want to hear your opinions because the truth sometimes hurts...and it just isn't the right time.  There is a time and a place for everything...are you willing to wait for it.  I learned that wisdom can be defined as the proper use of knowledge.  Sure you may believe abortion is wrong but sending anti abortion emails to your sister that just had one may not be the best way to get your point across.  If you are truly right, then God will provide an opportunity for the truth to be revealed and spoken when they are ready.  Not when YOU are.  A wise person once told me that wisdom is power under control....key word being CONTROL.  

Its just best to be silent.  If your aim is to truly change the world...its something you have to learn.  I am not suggesting you become a people pleaser by no means! NO WAY!  What I am suggesting is that you just think before you speak...if you really care...your opinion can wait.  Sometimes it has to be unsaid....and if you are anything like I was...that is NOT an easy task.  It is a doable one though....


Till Next Time....

Walking in Wisdom


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