Have you had a week yet where you just didn't do ANYTHING toward your goals. I mean NOTHING! That was me last week...I worked out twice but also ate twice as much the whole entire week. So of course the scale was not my friend. My Wii Fit Board is disgusted with me!
So how do you move past the pain? YOU JUST DO IT! I saw a number that I did NOT want to see on that scale yesterday...even though I knew most of it was water weight...if I continued on this path it would be that and more! So I literally said to myself....you have to get up and do something before you gained all the weight you've lost and have to start all over again! EMERGENCY SITUATION! That first step back is the hardest because your body does NOT want to do it. Remember that YOU are in control of everything you do. Dont let laziness talk you out of achieving physical fitness and walking in good health.
God wants us to be healthy...but we have to play our part :)
So I know I said I would be doing TBL Cardio Max/Power Sculpt combo...but Ive switched it to WALKING. My absolute favorite activity...so far Ive been doing 3 miles each day and my weight has regulated. I'm not going back!
Till Next Time....
Walking to my destiny :)
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