Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Christian Yoga?

Since working out, Ive noticed something.  That Yoga has infiltrated EVERYTHING...from the The Biggest Loser workouts, Taebo and even Wii Fit! Its everywhere!  And quite frankly it works....not so much for burning lots of calories but it trims you up and makes you appear thinner.  Its also difficult! I can barely complete the movements but it leaves me sore...very sore! I'm sore RIGHT NOW!  But there is some controversy about Yoga and its origins.  It is said to be deeply rooted in Hinduism.  So rooted that they two cannot be separated.  According to some sources Ive been reading, each pose represents a god and the longer you can be in said pose, they more that god is willingly to accept you.  Its supposed to be relaxing that is why they advise you to clear you mind.  Now as a Christian that presents a problem. A serious one.  Our minds are supposed to be focused on God and His word at all times...so it should never be empty, right?

Most routines involve yoga without the meditation and accompanying chanting; but should Christian really participate?  We are cautioned actually commanded not to give honor in any way to false gods.  Yet and still it cause you to wonder, its just poses right?  If I don't empty my mind and chant....I should be good right?  Its almost impossible to do any routines without ending up in a downward dog or a sun salutation.  Its so intertwined into the fitness world that you would have to just stick to a walk/run regimen to be safe.

Ive even seen sites for Christian Yoga...but is that an oxymoron?  Its not like you can be a Christian Hindu. 

What are your thoughts on this? Can Christians do yoga without being in violation? Let me know...

Till Next Time...
Contemplating the Boat Pose


That's a good topic. You brought up even some more things that I didn't consider - our minds must not be empty. There are many things in this world that we obliviously expose ourselves to. Sometimes, we even try to make up excuses - "it's just ..."

We have this event called breakthrough at our church. Things like these are brought up and discussed. From research, and as you mentioned, the poses mean something. It's a kind of worship to a god, sun god and I think a few others.

I think one of the mistakes I've made numerous times is saying "I'm covered by the blood of Jesus so nothing will harm me". See that's just dangerous because you're knowingly exposing yourself into things that you're not sure are of God.

Now I haven't heard of the Christian yoga, I don't know if they play worship music or something while they are doing the poses lol. I think the main problem is the poses. Maybe if someone comes up with entirely meaningless poses or sth...i dunno :). As you can probably tell, I've never been to a yoga class so this is my theory.

Most importantly, I don't underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. He will bring conviction in a loving way and give you a better understanding in all that you do. He does an amazing job in telling you whether you are doing something right or wrong.

To conclude, I'll say you should pray about it :)

"Our minds are supposed to be focused on God and His word at all times...so it should never be empty, right?" - This is a wrong assumption. I am currently in yoga training and I can tell you first hand as a student that the purpose of yoga poses is NOT to empty the mind but to focus the mind on God and God within you. To feel his presence. Yoga strengthens the mind for the purpose. The Tapas (heat in the body/ burn in the muscles) provides a focus point for us to draw on. Strong body =strong mind that is more adapt at focusing on God.

I live with chronic osteoarthritic pain and yoga poses have been a tremendous source of relief. I have been a Christian since 1975, even graduated from a Christian University, and have no problem with yoga. When an instructor says baloney like "forward fold and offer yourself to Mother Earth," I reject it and instead focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, who if lifted up, will draw all men unto Himself.

I also meditate on verses like Colossians 1:16-17, "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist."

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