Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Twist, Braid or Bantu?

Ive been natural for over five years and I still have not master the "outs".  What do I mean...

Braid outs
Twist outs
Bantu Knot outs...I havent even tried this!

It seems as if every time I try...it comes out like something else.  Then I have to  be creative and try and make it look cute...and everyone loves it! Little do they know the FRUSTRATION and AGGRAVATION that goes into perfecting these techniques..

I do know that my favorite "out" is the BRAID OUT!  I get the best stretch and "definition" when compared to my twist outs which seem to shrink into something rather scary...

This is why I tend to stick to the safety of a wash n go...which leaves me in a rut or a routine!

I am so determined to get it right...or is what Im getting just all that there is.  Sometimes I think am expecting something that my hair just cant do...maybe my curl pattern is just stubborn and wont do certain things!  I love my hair texture I wouldnt trade it for the world...just need to know its limitations.

I cant imagine natural hair having limitations...so trial and error will be my teacher.

I am going to master at least one of these techniques THIS SUMMER!

My choice is the BRAID OUT!

I will "plait" my hair most nights to not only set it to style but to protect my ends as well. I will do this throughout the summer of 2012.  Even the days I know I will wear a wash n go..I will still braid up so that my ends will be protected.  I have a tendency to not cover my hair up regularly which is BAD BAD BAD! I know better....I really do.  I will couple this with a grow challenge...using MTG! I know I know all the "toxins" and the warnings that others have reported.  Ive done my own research.

I need my hair to grow...so follow along!

*I am not a cosmotologist anything I do on this blog is from my own experience/research and not professional advise. 


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