Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I hate this team! 

Yet I keep coming back...well technically I never left but I was making to 17 pounds.  Somehow some way...17 pounds is now a measly TWO.  So here we go again....

Back to juicing and eating veggies and dusting off the Wii Fit and other tools of trade.  Gotta keep trying until it works...

Seems like I always start when Im bloated already, further dampening my excitement...its been three days since I restarted my journey to health.  Logged back in to MyFitnessPal and saw how many people had made so much progress during my hiatus.  I hid my virtual face in shame.  WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? The dreaded plauteau that wont leave....turns into frustration...which turns into me turning into the drive thru....everyday for a month...then the exercise becomes unbearable because my body is full of toxins...out of money and energy.

This is how seventeen becomes two.

Needless to say....Im back...same goal in mind....taking it ten pounds at a time....

Right now Im meatless...and starting off with low intensity workouts until I get my endurance up...

I know what to do...I just havent mastered not giving up....

Till Next Time,

Trying Again :)


Keep up the good Work!! #teamFat will become #teamFit... I know that you will get it done Bff!!
Hey this Goal Watch thing is cool...

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