Monday, November 5, 2012

My Battle: Snacks!

OK! I think I have gotten my meals down pretty good.  I like my food to taste good and if I cook it...I can ensure it will filling, filled with veggies and flavors.  Light on oil and heavy on fiber and TASTE.  The calories are low...and its GREAT!  

But between meals..the snacking gets me. Its not necessarily bad snacks, I just eat too many of them....and the calories PILE UP before you know it.  One day I can eat almost 1000 calories worth of snacks when I am supposed to have about 250 calories....not good! Not good at all.  Most day I do OK...but I need to do GREAT everyday.  Im over ten pounds down again...and this is when I am down to the nitty gritty.  I believe the first 10-12 pounds at my size is just mostly water weight...not sure if its a fact or not but I do know it gets significantly more difficult at this point.  I dont want to go over the same few pounds week after I have to focus!

I want to be 20+ lbs down by Christmas as much as I can get off by then the better...going home for Christmas is always a challenge because Im not home and it throws me off my element not to mention my mama's amazing FOOD! So the more I have lost by that time the better position I will be in to recover when I come back home. Hopefully I wont have to recover at all. My goal is to go into 2013 more than 20 pounds lost.  The beginning of the year is always a good time for me to lose weight so if Im already down I can increase my results.  

So I am looking out for healthy snacks...
I like popcorn and granola...I do like green apples but fresh fruit goes bad so fast in my house.  If anyone has good suggestions....let me know!

Till Next Time
Snacking Light :)


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