OLD POST FROM OTHER BLOG....January 8, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday to me!!!
I cant believe that I am 28 years old today...I can clearly remember being in elementary school like it was yesterday!!! Even though some people like Victoria (love you boo) would say DANG YOU ARE OLD....lol! Quite honestly comments like that used to really hurt my feelings BUT now I am just grateful that God allowed me to be this age. I am have accomplished a lot and the sky is the limit for me. There are so many who didn't make to this age that I know personally and just from the news. Either they are dead or in jail for long extended periods of time which is almost as bad (well not quite but it sucks). I used to be really insecure about being older than most of my counterparts since I got kicked out of college for lack of effort and an abundance of marijuana (if you don't know the story just ask). I used to be afraid of people asking me why I was still in school or what took me so long to graduate because I was ashamed of what I had done. I know now that every experience bad and good can be used for God's glory once you get your stuff together (and NOT before...get you life in order folks) because all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord. No God did not cause me to get kicked out of college, no God didn't lead me into ill advised relationships, no it was NOT Him who initiated any bad decisions Ive made (that I still make sometimes even now) BUT it was God who had angels all around me and whose grace is sufficient that I didn't really get myself into some real foolishness. It was also God who restored my dreams and set me back on a path where I can actually achieve something; now it is up to me to make those dreams come to pass. It causes me to have what is called a TESTIMONY so I can prevent someone from making the same mistakes Ive made. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THEM, some mistakes stick with you forever and you have fight yourself/emotions to not get involved yet again. TRUST ME FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE!!! Emotions are evil when out of control....kill them! KILL EM DEAD! Well just divorce yourself from them so you can make wise decisions. So 28 aint so bad I'm so excited about what is gonna happen in this age bracket; my job is to just keep myself where I can be abundantly blessed!!! Quite honestly I look great so whatever age I am is where its at....get like me people!!! Come around July....its gonna be a real PROBLEM!
I am accepting gifts and best wishes at this time....you know the number or the email address of just leave a comment RIGHT NOW!!!!
Oh yeah the Gators better win tonight that would be AWESOME!!!!
For those who are out the loop of college football the Florida Gators are playing for the BCS championship tonight against Oklahoma
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