Older Post from other site....February 16, 2009
I am always on a quest of higher learning....
I feel it is essential to life to know as much as you can about whatever you are passionate about. My aim is to be completely Kingdom minded. For those that may not know what I means basically it means I want my top priority to be things to build God's kingdom. Yep! That's what I want. When you want more from God it comes at such a HIGH PRICE not that I am complaining but that's just the way it is. You have to be willing to deny yourself of the things you want to do to please HIM. I have been learning about the gifts of Holy Spirit and how to walk therein....and I WANT IT! I want to flow with God like I see so many others do...but that means more time in His word/prayer and less time chilling and sleeping (WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH!). One thing about God, he will tell you exactly how to get what you want....but you may not always like it. During my prayer time he dropped a BOMB on me....what you may ask. He called me to fast....not for one day but for NINETEEN days...what a random number right? Well, its not so random because there is a big event popping off in 19 days that is very important to me (all my Trailblazers say HEY!!!). I have some questions I want answered (like why do I operate in so much fear and how to stop) and some things I want from God so I gotta deny myself to get em'. Pray for me because fasting is not my strong point. Its not too bad just cant have meat or bread....which may help me with my Slim Down Saturdays....
So I get 2 for one....LOL!
Till next time....
The Nine Gifts of Holy Spirit found in I Cor 12:1-11
- Word of Wisdom
- Word of Knowledge
- Gift of Faith
- Gift of Healing
- Working of Miracles
- Gift of Prophecy
- Discerning of Spirit
- Diverse Kinds of Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues
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