Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No more knots: Natural Hair Victory!

If you know anything about me, you know the one thing I love (besides my Jesus of of course) is my hair! Natural hair that is! Ive always been into healthy hair but I must say that since Ive become natural (it will be three years next month YAY!)...its become a pretty significant part of my life. I have extremely curly hair and those of you out that know what that means: FAIRY KNOTS! Yes, those little knots that get in our hair on individual strands. I would spend endless time cutting them out! I love you beautiful fairy...but you have to get up out of my head! Besides keeping those ends clipped (I clip mine every 3 months) here is a list for you ladies of things to do to be free from knots or at least reduce them significantly!

Always (and I mean ALWAYS) tie your hair down at night with a satin scarf or cover with a satin bonnet.
The friction and movement throughout the night not only sucks the moisture right out of your hair but it also leads to annoying knots

If at all possible....twist/braid your hair at night

Loose strands of hair are more likely to coil up into a knot so try and twist the hair up before bed to prevent this from happening
. Stretched hair is less likely to knot up.

Now I'm not 100% sure if this has anything to do with getting rid of the knots but since Ive up the anty on my moisture....the knots have decreased! I use extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) to seal in my moisture. I always spray a mix of honey, EVCO, and water in a spray bottle and spray that on my hair before bed. Its done wonders! I also co wash my hair at least 3x per week and DC 1x per week. I love LustraSilk Cholesterols (Olive Oil and Tea Tree are my favorites)! Nexxuss Humectress and Elasta QP DPR 11 are also staples of mine.

I dont claim to be an expert but I have had success with my hair when applying these simple tips. Till next time.....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

28 Special Things I Did Before I Turned 29

I am now 29 years old! WOOOT! I have made collage of some special things I did before my last birthday! Hope you enjoy it! Twenty nine has never looked sooooo fine!


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