-PJ Morton
I remember listening to this song about a year ago right before my life drastically changed. Let's rewind back there shall we. Here I was in the prestigious College of Medicine at the University of Florida on a FULL RIDE doing what I always said I dreamed. Sounds picture perfect right? WRONG! I hated every day of it. I cried myself to sleep and cringed at the thought of going to that lab each day. The work wasn't exciting anymore, I couldnt see how it was changing the world and quite honestly I wasn't happy. Well I could've been better but its hard to be the best at what you hate. What was I going to do? I was on the brink of losing my scholarship if I didn't produce some real results. AHHH! Then I heard that song and the words just resonated with my spirit. Sure getting my Ph.D could make me famous but it was dangerous if I am not doing what I was created to do. BUT WHAT WAS I CREATED TO DO! I always thought I was created to be a researcher...one who solved the world's problems through scientific pursuit. Somehow that didn't seem like it was coming together.
Lets look at the facts: Im smart as ALL GET OUT (true story!), I love science and I love talking about it and learning new things. You all know that Imma Christian (or at least you should...). So I turned to Holy Spirit...what do I do now Lord?
I was looking for a profound complex answer filled with scripture reference and background music. However, what I got was very different.....more like simple and profound! HS told me to go read my vision. Here's and small excerpt..."I will be a prolific educator..." no where in this vision I wrote for myself did the word RESEARCHER come up. It wasn't apart of the plan! So I focused on educator....from Ph.D to teacher? Hard decision...
Now that I am approaching the end of my twenties (oooooo MUFASA! eek!), Ive realized that life is filled with hard choices! Psalms 25:2 tell us..."Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose" I was racking my brain for answers when all I had to do was ask my Father (God that is...) for help. Holy Spirit helped me realize that what I was supposed to do was already in the vision. Since I was working outside of the vision my world was perishing [where there is no vision the people perish... Prov. 29:18].
So my direction changed...I applied to the College of Education. Now I am ready to graduate with my Master's of Education and just landed a new job as a biology teacher at Citrus High School! What a difference a year makes? God is faithful to his word...and when you follow the vision...YOU CAN NEVER LOSE! When I look at things, I realize that so many things have changed in my life. I live on my own, I have my own car (with a car note), I live in a brand new state, Ive met some new people, learned to live holy (and loving it!) and now I got a career I'm so excited about (a job with benefits...AHH feels so good)!
This is not the end of the story....actually its just the beginning! I'm drumming up a business plan of my own and thinking about getting my Ed.D some day. Ive let go of some dead weight in my life, realized that some relationships don't last forever (though I tried to make that thing WORK! LOL) and that real friendships are TIMELESS! I learned at a recent conference that my life is just a vapor....and I have to make the best of it! So Im so excited about whats coming....
Till Next Time....remember
Your dreams are one decision AWAY! CHOOSE LIFE!
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