Everyone has dreams rights? Sad thing is most people just leave those aspirations floating around in their minds. I used to be one of those people...no longer! I have made the decision to do what I want to do with these great ideas that are in my mind. I dont believe fully in coincidence, I know there is a God who leads those that allow Him to, and when he leads...success is inevitable! How do I know? I'm glad you asked...
I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions Proverbs 8:12
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8
God never promised us that He would make us successful but he promised that if we obey his commandments that we will MAKE OUR WAY successful and prosperous. O yes you have to do the work!
I never saw myself as a business owner, I didn't see myself as creative or with a skill set to do anything in that vein. I'm a science nerd....I mean what could I do? To me at that time, it just didn't seem feasible, I was too left brained for that. I got over that notion after just allowing myself to ponder the possibility of something more in my life than my original plan. If I have access to infinite wisdom....why not tap in? So I began to vision cast....you should try it. ITS FREE!
You would be surprised at what your mind can download when just THINK! Ideas began to flow to me like a waterfall! I saw how I could use my love for science and my other random interests to create a business. My plan is rather vast but the first branch is a HAIR CARE LINE! I can use my scientific expertise and my obsession with hair to come up with something wonderful....and I DID! Thus Morning Dew Hair Products ™
was born! I am launching my very first product; Mango Coconut Sunshine™! I'm so excited...Ive been allowing people locally to try it out and its creating a buzz! This is the first of many ventures...
was born! I am launching my very first product; Mango Coconut Sunshine™! I'm so excited...Ive been allowing people locally to try it out and its creating a buzz! This is the first of many ventures...
So what exactly are you waiting for? There's greatness inside of you if you would just reach down in there and pull it out....I believe in you! I will support a vision in a minute! Let me know if you need help...I'm here for you! Lets do this! First step is to dream it up...
Look out for my Hair Meetup! Not just natural hair but HAIR in general...its time for all of us to have healthy hair and not be separate...we can learn from each other. Relaxed or natural...its hair and should be taken care of!
If you are interested in trying out my product here is a link to my order form (payment is not required to order, I will contact you to discuss shipping if you are not local)
Till Next Time,
Producing Good Success :)