Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Twist and SHOUT!!!!

Hair was deep conditioned and detangled using the Morning Mint Masque...hair was moisturized and sealed using Mango Coconut Sunshine and a personal mix of essential oils. Eco Styler Gel was used to slick down edges and hair was doubled strand twisted overnight :)
Cue the music....
I am really conquering my twist out woes...YAY!

As you can see Im getting good...

This style was inspired by my new favorite youtuber/blogger MahoganyKnots!  I am in love with her hair!!!  

We don't have the same texture but its close enough...LOL!

I'm learning that twist outs are more involved than I thought.  Its all about technique....

I've begun to flat twist my hair especially in the front to get more definition...I will post a video that shows you what I mean by flat twisting.

I've also noticed that to keep the definition of your twist out it requires little to NO manipulation once twists are taken out (at least for my hair).  If I pull the curls too much it will transition to a big poofy mess of tresses.  Once I unravel I usually leave it alone, my hair will plump up given me the big hair I desire.  It just takes a little time. 

Ive started to do more twist/braid outs when my hair is already dry as well.  I do mist my hair with my master mix because I like the way it looks better when the style is "set".  The reason for this is my hair rarely dries overnight...as a matter of fact it NEVER dries overnight.  If my hair isnt fully dry...it also leads to the frizz puff...no bueno!

I love it!

For my growth challenge, Ive also decided to not apply any more color to my hair :(
For a season...Ive grown really close to my red/blonde hair...but Im going back to black for a while....since it needs to grow out....I still have more time to be a red head. Once I reach my goal....IM COLORING AGAIN!!! Probably immediately....lol!

Im running out of MTG...Im thinking of making my own concoction, the ingredients are pretty simple...I will keep you posted on that.  Just have to find the sulfer...which is the most important part.  We'll See....

Till Next Time
Twisting and Loving It :)

Here is what I mean by flat twisting...

I cant embed the styling video but here is the link....ENJOY!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Im Getting Good...

So I have been battling with conquering the braid out as well as my growth challenge.  I haven't really seen any change in my length because it hasn't been long enough to expect to see a change.

I am in fact getting good at braid outs.  As you can see I was able to get results worth busting out the camera for!  YES! Success!  

Its nice to have something different than my typical wash n go's each day.  Its also nice not to have my hair dripping wet every single day...but as the weather gets hotter I may be returning back to my wet roots (literally). 

As far as my growth challenge, Ive been applying MTG to my scalp once a week and massage it well into my scalp.  I also have been wearing protective styles more often like buns and pin ups in addition to my braid outs.  I plan to incorporate more "babying" to my ends each night before retiring to ensure that I retain them.  My ends tend to be very dry, not necessarily split or damaged just rough to the touch.  I will do a light dusting this evening with my shears (its IMPORTANT to have good shears for your ends).  I spotted some stray split ends (which is very normal)  but I need to get rid of them ASAP!  I will check my length at the end of each month.  I use the tattoo on my back as an indicator lol....I want my hair to ultimately be at the end of the tail of my hummingbird...that would be a bit past APL approaching BSL (stretched not straightened)

To achieve this style I separated my hair in about 10-12 sections lightly misted my hair with my master moisture mix (water, aloe vera juice, peppermint oil and lavender oil), sealed in with a small amount of Mango Coconut Sunshine (available at www.morningdewhair.com) and braided each section.  Once each section is braided I rolled each braid with a flexi rod (5/8 inch) and covered my hair with a satin bonnet for the night.  

Till Next Time
Growing Strong :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Twist, Braid or Bantu?

Ive been natural for over five years and I still have not master the "outs".  What do I mean...

Braid outs
Twist outs
Bantu Knot outs...I havent even tried this!

It seems as if every time I try...it comes out like something else.  Then I have to  be creative and try and make it look cute...and everyone loves it! Little do they know the FRUSTRATION and AGGRAVATION that goes into perfecting these techniques..

I do know that my favorite "out" is the BRAID OUT!  I get the best stretch and "definition" when compared to my twist outs which seem to shrink into something rather scary...

This is why I tend to stick to the safety of a wash n go...which leaves me in a rut or a routine!

I am so determined to get it right...or is what Im getting just all that there is.  Sometimes I think am expecting something that my hair just cant do...maybe my curl pattern is just stubborn and wont do certain things!  I love my hair texture I wouldnt trade it for the world...just need to know its limitations.

I cant imagine natural hair having limitations...so trial and error will be my teacher.

I am going to master at least one of these techniques THIS SUMMER!

My choice is the BRAID OUT!

I will "plait" my hair most nights to not only set it to style but to protect my ends as well. I will do this throughout the summer of 2012.  Even the days I know I will wear a wash n go..I will still braid up so that my ends will be protected.  I have a tendency to not cover my hair up regularly which is BAD BAD BAD! I know better....I really do.  I will couple this with a grow challenge...using MTG! I know I know all the "toxins" and the warnings that others have reported.  Ive done my own research.

I need my hair to grow...so follow along!

*I am not a cosmotologist anything I do on this blog is from my own experience/research and not professional advise. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Approaching Milestone #2

I am approaching my second goal of ten pounds lost...for a total of twenty pounds! EEK! Last year around this time I was at the same place...got a job and somehow somewhere it all fell apart.  I never can remember the breaking point when I give up....IDK.

All I know today is that I am here again currently 17 lbs down.  Excited and not trying to have a plateau at this time.  Last week I barely worked out...and I consistently lost weight everyday...cant explain...dont need to.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Speculation says that every now and again your body just begins to adjust to all the changes youve made and they dont always show up when you start changing.  So I thank God for the rest and for the loss!

I am currently fasting from meat and fried foods.  Not for my weight loss but for spiritual reasons...but we all know a side effect of that sacrifice is WEIGHT LOSS...so I am looking forward to seeing where I will be at my offical weigh in on Saturday.  Im hoping I reach my goal by then....I techinally have all month to do it...but why not get more.

Every now and again I like to do more than the five pounds I have set for each month because there is always a plateau lurking somewhere and I dont know when its coming but I will be ready.  February was one of those months I think I loss a net of about 2 lbs...but because I did so well in January and March my average weight loss is still 5.3 lbs/month.  I want to keep it AT LEAST at this average which will have me at 60 lbs down by the end of the year...which would be a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT...and will leave me 20 shy of my overall goal.  Now that its getting warm (well its down right HOT now) I can be outside more...and the sun is going down later...so that leave me more time to be active outdoors as well. 

At twenty pounds...Im breaking out my bike!!!

I try to stagger when I start doing new exercises so that my body doesnt get used to everything at once....

I try to introduce something new at every 7-10 lbs or when I feel a plateau arising....

Till Next Time
Holding on for VICTORY :)


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