Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Long Time..No Failures To Report!

OMG! Ive lost fifty pounds (51 to be exact).  Can you believe this!!!???!!! If you have followed this blog for any significant amount of time you already know this is INCREDIBLE!!!

I have tried and failed so many times but this time I'm crushing it....and the only reason is....I STUCK WITH IT! When the weight jumped up for no reason...I kept going.  When I didn't feel well and fell off my routine and got back up and kept going.

I truly made it a lifestyle.

Here I am less than 10 lbs away from being under 200lb pounds...something I havent seen since 2006.  Im proud of me!  

Im encouraged to go on and finish....29 more pounds to go!

Its crazy to believe I have made it this far....progress is the best motivator.  Who wants to go back at this point?

IF I CAN DO IT! You surely can....

Please follow me on my Instagram:

Also my facebook page:

Till Next Time,
On My Way To Onderland :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Interesting HourGlass

So most women obsess with their body shape.  Not me. Well not completely at least.  I can honestly say I like the shape of my body.  Its pretty hot.  Only thing is that my tummy doesn't match the rest of me.  By all conventional scales and measurements, I am a true hour glass with a distinct waistline in comparison to my hips and shoulders. 
By the way...I know I haven't updated this blog in 3000 days...I am still losing weight.  41 lbs. down...I promise. I just haven't been into updating like I used to be. I need to get back into it...honestly.  I'll put a picture below so you know I'm serious.  Now I'm more than 20 pounds down from December but I rarely ever take full body shots...these pictures aren't even mine...they were taken by others.

Back to the subject at hand.  My tummy is huge amongst this small waist.  I have NEVER seen anyone else with this problem.  It makes it really difficult to find clothes because I want accentuate my waistline but I am hindered by the garganchu gut.  Sigh....
Then there is my short torso...I'm cool with long legs...but the torso leaves no room for the belly to go but OUTWARD and of course its the going to be the last thing to go.  So its a battle. This also makes it really hard for those dreaded body shapers to truly flatten it out....trust me I've tried them all. Its like stuffing a turkey into small freezer bag.
I'm at the stage of weight loss where nothing matches...my shoulders wear a medium, my chest wears a large my hips an extra large and my belly could be a 2X honestly.  WHERE IS THE BALANCE LORD!!!???!!!!
Well...that's all I have to say. Nothing else to do but keep going.
Till Next Time....
Finding the Slim Balance :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Not the DAIRY!!! NOOOOO!

One of my accountability partners said to me....you are working way too hard for you not to get faster results, there is something you don't know. My first reaction was not a happy one...it kinda rained on my parade but then when I reflected on it...I realized they were right. There was something I didn't know....more than exercise.  My friends kept saying maybe your allergic to something or something is reacting with your body in a way to cause inflammation or something.  At that point I knew what it was...but I went into denial.  DAIRY.  I am not a big milk fan (I use almond milk), I have cut out ice cream (which I do love) but YOGURT might be my favorite snack...ever since childhood. I couldn't imagine giving it up...it was all I had left!!!!

I avoided the issue and kept on my merry way.  Until my church had a fast and I decided to give up dairy.  One week....eight lbs.  Immediate body reaction.  Of course this regulated out and I am not getting those results now but I am still getting better results.  WHY LORD! 

I have found ways to substitute yogurt in my smoothies.  I found a non dairy yogurt that tastes gross to me but it helps thicken the smoothies.  Apple sauce works as well.  I wont front I miss having a yogurt cup in the morning but for a season we have to part ways.  Not really sure what exactly the issue was with it and my body because Ive never reacted to it as far as nausea or intolerance.  Maybe it just makes me bloat. 

O well...

Till Next Time
Saying Goodbye to Yogurt :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Its Been A Looooonnnnng Time!!!

Did you miss me?  My computer was having difficulties....well it still is.  Then I simply forgot about this blog but I did NOT forget about my goals.  Its been 6 months...

Today is weigh in day...

I havent weighed in yet but from what I do know...Im 32.6 lbs down! WOOOHOOO!  Since living in Florida, I have never lost more than 23ish lbs so breaking that has been awesome!

I am now at the weight I was around when I originally moved here.  Which probably doesnt make sense because I just said Ive lost 23ish lbs before.  Well here is what happened...

I was at weight A when I moved here then lost 23ish lbs and got to weight B....then went back to weight A...graduated from graduate school and shot up to weight C and I hadnt gotten back to weight A since 2009.  Get it?  :)

I am due a pair of new fabulous shoes but I just havent found a pair that says 30 lbs PRIZE yet...so I will wait until I see what I desire.

I have also done the unthinkable....Ive joined the gym!  I usually hate the gym....Im still not a huge fan but I do need to add more variety to my regimen especially since I am avoiding plateaus.  I have a few friends that go as well which makes it a lot more comfortable for me.

Though I am not a fan of strength training...I know its necessary for toning and faster fat loss.

I have 5 weeks left till I need to get to my goal of 50 lbs down....I have 18ish lbs to go!  Maybe less since I havent weighed in yet.  Will I get there? I plan on it!

Till Next Time,
Pushing Till 50 lbs DOWN :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Big = Desperate?

One thing that gets on my nerves...
Is the idea that people think that all women that are overweight are desperate and/or insecure....
I understand there is correlation with weight gain and low self esteem.  I get it.  Regardless of that, just because she smiled at you and laughed at your corny joke...does not mean she wants you. 
You may not have noticed but she has eyes and a brain just like you and you may not be her type! You might just be as unattractive to her as she is to you.  Right.

Secondly, don't pity her like its the end of the world and if she loses the weight...she will remember how you treated her so don't bother.  There are lots of women who may not like their size at the moment but they most certainly like who they are and some of them are satisfied with the size they are.  Don't project your standards on other people....its rude. 

Little do you know, someone is hollering at that girl....someone you may not expect.  You might even like her...that is why you are acting the monkey...lol.  I've seen it too many times in my life. You got a love jones for a big girl and you are ashamed...whose insecure? OK. LOL! 

I'm just saying...treat everyone equally...no one likes pity.
She's not that into you...especially if its me!

Till Next Time,
Reflecting on the Reasons I Gotta Get out of #TeamFat :)



Starvation mode....
Have you heard of it?
Are you scared of it?
If you have ever been on a weight loss journey at all you have heard of it and the dangers to avoid it.  What it is basically is your body thinking your are stuck in the tundra somewhere because you have decreased your calorie intake for a prolonged period.  So the next time you eat something, your body holds on to it for dear life in fear that it may never eat again. LOL!

They say the magic number is 1200 calories, you should never go under that amount on a daily basis.  Here is my problem...sometimes I just don't make it to 1200.  I get to 900, 800 sometimes 500....I know its bad...but its rare too.  I am not intentionally starving....I usually eat on those days to my satisfaction but just because of being busy or not hungry that's all I had.  

Does this ever happen to you....do you struggle on days to reach the coveted 1200?
Do you just eat something to get your caloric intake up or do you just go with it?

I usually just go ahead and deal with it in hopes that I dont negatively affect my results...

Just a thought.

Till Next Time,
Staying Out of the Tundra :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cinnamon Apple Detox Water


Its like a curse word to me...
I don't know if I have one completely but I'm alive so I am sure I do.  So anytime I hear the words "boost metabolism" I'm down!  So I saw this recipe for cinnamon apple spa detox water with NO CALORIES. Apples and cinnamon are known as metabolism boosters. Cinnamon as well as other "spicy" herbs are known to do this to an extent (but this doesn't replace good ole exercise).  So I said why not give it a shot?  To my surprise it was pretty tasty...not really sweet but if you are only drinking water all day long...any kick of flavor will do!  

I must admit it, I noticed a difference in my results.  I feel like I lose more weight per week with this drink than with plain water.  It could be my mind playing tricks, but WHATEVER.. I'm sticking to it. I still drink plain water as well but this is a great way to add variety.  I've seen some other cool water recipes on Pinterest that I want to try...I have some mint leaves I think I'm going to throw in my pitcher to see what happens...

Happy Experimenting! 

This is how I make it:

Core 2 apples and slice thinly
Place slices in the bottom of a pitcher
Add 1 tsp of cinnamon or 2 cinnamon sticks
Add ice (optional)
Fill pitcher with water
And Chill for at least 30 minutes before drinking

Till Next Time,

Sipping Slooow
Boosting Results :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Insanity Day #1

Started Insanity today....

Here's what I have to say

January 7-March 10....EEK!

Yummy! Pasta Can Be Your Friend!

Spinach Salmon Angel Hair Pasta

1 TBSP Light Country Crock Spread or Olive Oil
1 Small Yellow Onion
2 Scallions
1 TBSP Minced Garlic
1/3 Can Diced Tomatoes with Oregano, Basil and Garlic
1/4 cup of Almond Milk 
1/2 Cup Baby Spinach (chopped)
1 Salmon Fillet
2 oz. Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta (I like Muellers) 
 In medium/large pot bring water to a boil to cook pasta
Season salmon fillet as desired and cook (I use a George Forman grill for about 7-8 minutes) Meanwhile, in skillet saute' onions, scallions and garlic in oil (medium low heat), once onions are translucent add tomatoes and almond milk.  Stir constantly.  Once Salmon is done, chopped into desired size chunks and add to skillet until thoroughly mixed.  Add spinach LAST...and mixed until slightly wilted and remove from heat.  Stir in pasta and garnish with Parmesan cheese.  


Saturday, January 5, 2013

No Gimmicks! No Quick Fixes!

I'm not a hater or nothing but I'm not into quick fixes with everything.  People keep asking me...why don't you do HCG or why don't you just juice or why don't you do what such and such did to lose weight?  I feel you....I appreciate you.  BUT NO!  Its hard to explain your reasons for taking the long way home without significant fruit.  Just give me a minute...I'll show you better than I will tell you.

Sure it would be great to lose 1 pound a day and be done with this in 3 short months....how exciting! Now once those three months are over...what do I do now?  What have I learned? Only thing I see myself learning is how to be really really hungry.  For some this works and that's awesome-tastic, it really is but its not for everyone.  Why am I going through this so slow....

Well first of all losing 24 pounds in 3 months is NOT slow....its amazing progress! It took hard work and dedication. Lesson #1 for you is dont EVER downplay my successes by comparing me to what someone else is doing!  Get your life!

I digress...

Now...the reason I feel that its important for me to take it "slower" than all that starving with supplements has to offer is:

I have NO clue how to eat right nor cook healthy filling food
  • I have made up so many delicious recipes by doing research and taste testing, now I have an arsenal of foods I can enjoy FOR LIFE!
I have never been athletic nor physically active in my life
  • Working out is important for muscle building...so that the fat loss can be SUSTAINED...but I have to work my way up to really hard routines...and that takes TIME
I think its important to have yummy things once in a while
  • Deprivation is WACK...it just drives me insane...if I want a slice of pizza or an egg roll I should be able to plan accordingly and enjoy my life...I cant have it everyday but shoot once in a while...I WILL! [Now some stuff I had to cut completely out...sigh]
Point is..... I'm trying to learn how to LIVE like this FOREVER.  I wanna be toned and not just a jiggly bag of bones.  I've noticed a lot of people have success with these fads are people once had some sort of fitness in life...I don't have the luxury.  I've been thin but that was not in shape thin..it was smoking, walking all over NYC thin.  REAL TALK.  I've been delivered so I'm not ashamed...lol.  

This is also helping me exhibit patience...sure its only about 1-2 pounds  a week but after a couple of months that adds up to a lot...next thing I will look around and will be 60 lbs lighter.  What a day of rejoicing that will be! I am excited to get there....no matter how long it takes...the fact is I WILL GET THERE!  

I know people are watching me and I pray that I am encouraging someone to not always take the easy way out but to really change their life from the inside out....its a journey but its rewarding when you are winning. Right now, I am winning this battle...PRAISE GOD!

Till Next Time,
Taking My Time :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge!

Its a new season...ITS A NEW DAY! Something about the new year makes you excited about changing things up...

This is the first time in YEARS that I am starting the  year off lighter than I the previous year.  22.4 lbs down ladies and gentlemen!  I am a lover of smoothies...used to make them all the time but somehow stopped making them.  I was reading about using green smoothies as a meal replacement for two meals a day.  Green smoothies are really good...my green of choice is spinach but any green leafy veggie will do.  

Believe it or not, the spinach doesn't make the taste of the smoothie unpleasant at all.  The spinach adds a light sweet kick that I enjoy.  I am interested in trying kale as well.  I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk, yogurt (watch the sugar content) and frozen fruit (I like the mixed fruit from WalMart; mangoes, strawberries, pineapples and peaches) and of course the spinach.  Depending on my needs at the time I will had some flax seeds (ground) or whey protein. Flaxseed is a great source of omega-3's (heart health) and the protein helps replenish muscle and keeps me full longer.

I am going to see if I can replace two meals with green smoothies this month...not sure how I am going to do that at work. Smoothies taste gross after they sit even in the fridge.  I like to actually eat dinner so it would have to be breakfast and lunch.  I will look up ways to get the smoothie fresh for lunch.  

I did this with juicing as well but I like smoothies better because I like the fiber it supplies and you get more volume...

Let's see how this goes!  
Try it with me!

There is more info on the challenge here:

Till Next Time,
Feeling Smooth :)


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