Saturday, August 6, 2011

TWA: You have to maintain it ladies!

So you went natural?  Cool! That's a big deal....congrats! Welcome to the cool kids (I kid...I joke, relaxed girls can sit too).   So now what do you do with this Teeny Weeny Afro affectionately known as a TWA? No worries your hair will most likely grow out quickly and you wont have TWA for long unless you want to. There are some things you will need to know and even more things you will have to do.  Whether you are relaxed or natural, healthy African American hair takes WORK especially if you are working from the house.  Some of us prefer it that way (like myself), others will lean on salons and that's cool too!

First...EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT HAIR TEXTURE! You may not be able to do the same thing as the next will have to accept that precious. Know your hair texture, find someone who has similar hair like you and go from there.  There will be trial and error honey!
Also understand that you will have to PURCHASE quality more cheap mineral oil filled products (holla at me...I make an awesome moisturizer for a great price). Learn to read labels, if your see mineral oil as the first or second ingredient....PUT IT DOWN! It will leave you hair dry and ashy bueno!
      • Invest in some good gel as well...I prefer Eco Styler but there are others as well...
 Your TWA needs to be shaped and not raggedy looking....if you dont have defined curls...its OK! Everyone does not have curly hair...YOUR texture is BEAUTIFUL! If you like the curly a twist/braid out (twist or braid hair while wet and let dry...when you unravel your hair will have "curl") You just have to find your niche....dont follow a beauty standard or try to be someone else...CREATE YOUR OWN!
You will have to pay more attention to your FACE! Something about a TWA brings attention to and brings out your face.  Its a good thing...we often hide behind our hair and dont pay enough attention to our faces.  So skin care and makeup will have to be a investment you should pursue.  Drink your water and take your vitamins (it helps your hair grow too)!  Also keep your eyebrows done.....its important; Im currently teaching myself how to arch my eyebrows at home for those emergency situations when you cant get to a salon...I believe its a good skill to have...
A good collection of earrings is also a staple for us natural girls, that's if you rock earrings....Afros and fabulous earrings are just a good combo :)
 You must DIVORCE YOURSELF FROM THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS. Your biggest haters will be other black folk. They will frown, call you nappy headed among other things...WHO CARES!  Some dont realize how rude and offensive they can them where they are.  If you are trying impress might as well get a perm now...
YOUTUBE IS YOUR FRIEND....WATCH IT! So many great videos on hair maintenance for all types of textures....

Here are some videos that may help you out....

 Enjoy your fro...dont let it be a waiting room for when your hair grows it big now!
If you any questions...let me know...Im here for you!

Till Next Time....
Picking my Afro cause its flat one side ;-)


You have no idea how much this article blessed me! I was depending on the braids and extensions to feel feminine instead of embracing what I have already! (much to my husband's chagrin) keep sharing this information!

Thank you so much! Im glad I was a help to someone....
Happy Hair Health....

Great post, and very helpful. Boost's up my God given confidence. Had my BC 2weeks ago:)

I soooo needed to hear this right now. I got my bc yesterday evening and although I love it, I'm a little disappointed that the texture is not as curly as I had hoped and it's much shorter than I thought it would be. I guess I just need to put in a little more work! On top of that, my kids don't like it and my friend also said she doesn't. You're right though, I have to divorce myself from their opinions and love it enough for all of them! Excited to begin the journey to healthy, natural hair!

Wow. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this thread. This made me feel so much better. It feels like everyone in my life hates my hair and the decision to big chop. I was buying every product on the shelves trying to get a curl or something so they could be happy. Buy I've come to realize that's not the type of hair I have and I can't let their negative comments phase me. You are a blessing. Keep it up ;)

Didnt do the BC,not that daring! I decided to do the TWA, by cutting all my perm out, i loved it after i did it and soon as i left the house and went out in public,anxiety kicked in. I pulled up to a gas station to fill up and decided to send a pic to my friend to show her, next thing this spanish guy pulls up in a convertable and asked me if i needed him to take my picture, and after taking two, he says he's tempted to get out of his car! Thats all i needed, my confidence soared! I'm going to rock my fro! Thanks for the encouragement! Blessings, My sistah

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