Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yellow Teeth...BE GONE!

Ever talk to someone and they have outstanding teeth...isn't that refreshing!?! There is something endearing about a beautiful smile regardless of what they look like otherwise (chuckle, chuckle).  Well I would consider myself to have beautiful teeth (gap and all...I actually love my gap it has personality).  I like for them to be as white  and smooth as possible! The thought of having brown teeth is FRIGHTENING!  

So how do you keep your teeth white? BRUSH THEM! DUH! Not only have to be careful with the types of things you definitely will stain your pearly whites as well as tea (tear...), red wine, cranberry juice, cola, blueberries, curry and even soy sauce.  The list goes on and on....

We all have a liking to at least one of these we will need some help. Crest has come out with a toothpaste that only God could inspire.  Its called 3D White!  I love it!  After one use...I noticed a considerable difference! I still use salt once a week (see my earlier entry on using salt on your teeth).   Ive been smiling ever since.  To ice the cake, one of my students said to me WOW you have the prettiest white teeth Miss...well its official! I'm a fan and a loyal customer for sure!  I would recommend this product!

Wondering how it works well its simple...
The paste contains sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) that disrupts the stains pellicle (the thin layer of stain on your tooth enamel)...once it is broken...the abrasion from you brushing will remove it from your teeth.  This has to be something done on a regular basis to have true results....but we all brush daily right?  RIGHT!  The paste also polishes the enamel to give you a nice bright and shiny smile!

In conclusion....BUY THIS TOOTHPASTE!  I give it 5 stars, 2 thumbs up!
It was on sale at Wal-Mart recently in my area too....a 2 pack!

Till Next Time

Smiling Brightly :)


Wow thanks for the heads up..I need more toothpaste..I'm gonna get this...

Cynthia N. Allen

I just loved this line of yours - "Well I would consider myself to have beautiful teeth." And I agree with you on this that white and bright teeth are really very essential.
This is truly an awesome post. Please share some more nice experiences.

Proper brushing of your tooth at least twice in a day is very necessary. Do we want to keep your teeth intact for lifetime then tooth brushing is the only way-out so don’t miss it.

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