Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hair Stats

  So I am so not good at taking those pictures checking length and I never feel like its consistent because of the way I hold my head and other factors.  Instead of doing that I just got out the measuring tape and decided to measure my hair in various places.  So I have the average from the front, my crown and the back. 

I am getting pretty good at my twist outs too! I will post pictures below. I have never had a twist out last more than one day...I went three!  I've learned that using conditioner with silicone ingredients helped because it reduced friction between strands which reduced frizz!  I am attempting a Bantu Knot out tonight on my stretched hair...exciting!

Here are my stats:

Front: 11 inches

Crown: 10 inches

Back: 9 inches

I will take the inches in about three months (July 3rd) and see how I am doing.  I am still using MTG as a growth aid once a week. I am deep conditioning once a month at least, I will do more than that if I feel necessary.  My hair has been unbelievably moisturized because of my consistency in moisturizing properly and covering my hair with a satin scarf or bonnet.  I moisturize using Morning Dew Hair Products. (

The best twist out EVER! :)

Day 2...


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