Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Key to Hair Growth

Want long hair?  Yeah most people do.  Want the secret to growing long hair?  Come closer.   All you have to do is......


Simple enough right?  Its true.  All you need to do is make sure your ends are not breaking off.  See a misconception is that when you dont see growth its because your hair is not growing.  EVERYONE'S HAIR GROWS.  Not at the same rate but it is growing.  If it wasn't you would never need a touch up of relaxer or color....that stuff that is coming out your head is GROWTH.  That's why we call it "new growth"  but if your ends are breaking off at the same rate or faster than its growth it will appear to stay the same or to be getting shorter respectively. 

There some simple things you can do to make sure your hair doesn't break off:

  1. Tie your hair up at night with a satin bonnet/scarf
    •  Your husband may not be excited about this....but he wants you to look good right (just use a designer scarf or will be ok)  or sleep on satin sheets and pillow cases
  2. Moisturize those ends everyday!!!! PLEASE
    • I use my butters and recipes that I am preparing to sell (stay tuned) on my entire head and especially on my ends and crown (which is a completely different texture and needs special assistance).  I do it at night personally.
  3. Trim your ends regularly
    • This was my weak point (Im better now). I trim my hair every 2 months or 8 weeks.  If you are relaxed that would be around every touch up unless you are stretching.  (Which takes lots of care).  Those ends were not meant to last forever...give them a fresh start once in a while.  EMPHASIS ON TRIM.  Watch your hairdresser some of them are haters....they will CUT just to keep you coming...
 It works.....
My hair is on its way past APL (arm pit length) because of this....

Did you know that exercise also stimulates hair growth?  Well it does....
Dont forget to eat you green leafy vegetables.....they are full of vitamins especially vitamin E which is very beneficial to the hair and skin.  

Till Next Time....
Doing a hair flip.... :)


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