Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Letters of Leslie Entry #1

If you have kept up you'd know that I've asked seven women to write me letters for every ten pounds I lose and for each goal reach I would review that enclosed letter here on the blog.  Well I have reached the first increment....actually I did a long time ago.  I don't have a letter to open as of yet but that doesn't stop the show, so here's the latest update in video form...and my face!

Till Next Time, 
Slimming Down :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Everyday Fight: Eating Disorders

You don't hear about it much these days...definitely not among African Americans but its real....it exists...it kills.  Eating disorders.  There are so many different kinds, so many different symptoms and if affects so many different people.  My battle was bulimia   I didn't even know I had it until I researched it for myself....I thought bulimics just threw up, which I never have done.  I hate vomiting so that never crossed my mind.  It started in college...very innocently.   I gained weight my freshman and sophomore years eating a great diet full of carbs and more carbs.  I ended up transferring schools and moving back close to home.  I hadn't used the bathroom (#2) in WEEKS if not months, so I decided to take some herbal laxatives that I found in my parents house. It worked, it was the first time I ever took laxatives, IT FELT SO GOOD! Rightfully so, I needed them because I was truly not functioning properly. At that time, my lifestyle was changing as well....I was commuting to school instead of being on campus, that change of walking 2-3 miles a day caused me to lose weight.  I was unaware of the change until people started noticing. I liked the attention and I liked the change too.  I began to really watch what I ate and restricted my diet a little too much.  On days where I ate too much, I would just take laxatives and I felt that would do the trick. For the time, it did. Going to the bathroom became an obsession for me...it was a RELEASE physically and emotionally.    I associated weight loss with going to the bathroom and that is still something I struggle with. Before that year was out I was about 80 pounds down and happy! No one knew I was abusing laxatives...not even me. I thought it was reasonable to do and it was working.  People started commenting that I lost too much weight and I needed to eat, but I was scared to and if I did, I had my magic pills. It was an obsession, laxatives, enemas and colon cleansers. The cramping was a sense of relief because I knew they were working.  I was taking them at least 3x a week. My mom caught me one day and brought it to my attention that what I was doing was very harmful, but I was still in denial. I said I would stop and for a time I did.   Eventually I continued.

Years later, and a bout with birth control pills....I gained the weight back that I lost plus about 30 extra.  Yep, I know that's a lot. I kicked up my habit even more...but this time it didn't work...and I couldn't even use the bathroom regularly without assistance of some sort of laxative.  3x a week went to every night. I finally came to grips with the fact that I had a problem.   I began to change my life and with God's help, I've been delivered but deliverance takes daily renewal.  I asked Holy Spirit for help to overcome but the urges come more often than not.  Some days are harder than others but I make it.  Its been a while since I've taken laxatives but it hasn't been that long since I thought about them.  I look at them in my cabinet everyday and its tempting.  I don't talk about this to anyone because either:

  1. They wont believe me
  2. Or they'd make a joke out of it
Its not a joke.  Its not a game.  Its a battle but through Christ all things are possible.  I have my confession.  I received my healing and I walk in it daily.  With exercise, and a diet change I will finish this weight loss journey successfully.  With prayer and faith my body will recover completely from the damage I've inflicted on it.  I believe it and I see the manifestation each day.  I also believe that there is help for all of those who are suffering from eating disorders.  First thing is to develop a self image based  on what God says and not what society feeds you. I love myself, I don't want to hurt me anymore, I think I'm beautiful and my weight doesn't define that. When you love yourself with God's kind of love, you will begin to see yourself differently.  You can do this...so can I. Deliverance, healing  and freedom is available to you! 

Till Next Time
Healing and Fighting Everyday :)

Flushing it down the drain....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Food You Enjoy...

Most difficult part of this weight loss journey for me is being consistent with the food.  Food is LIFE...literally.  I have no problem drinking water and eating veggies or fruit but that stuff takes effort, you have to cook it, buy it, clean it, etc...yeah clearly my busy lifestyle interferes with my homemaking desires.  I enjoy cooking food...Im quite good at it.  But on the run its so much easier to run through BK and get a whopper Jr and a small onion ring....which is a whopping 550 calories!  

This battle has caused me to be serious about time management and MAKING the time to cook and plan meals.  Now that I have been doing it for over a month consistently, its not that bad. Between jobs (I have several), I cook my dinner, which takes anywhere between 30-45 min.  Healthy food has a rep for being gross...and truth be told some of that health stuff is nasty.  I like eating too much to eat grossness...I REFUSE! If I am going to do it...I have to have food I enjoy.  My meals are usually filled with veggies and FULL of flavor and usually about 400 calories per meal and FILLING!

I say if you going change your diet....ENJOY IT!

Till Next Time
Eating Light and Right :)

Broccoli w/ Garlic Sauce (220 calories)

Spinach Tomato Linguine (No Meat; 631 calories)

Teriyaki Jerk Shrimp with Spinach (204 calories)

Honey Grilled Salmon (250 calories)

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Battle: Snacks!

OK! I think I have gotten my meals down pretty good.  I like my food to taste good and if I cook it...I can ensure it will filling, filled with veggies and flavors.  Light on oil and heavy on fiber and TASTE.  The calories are low...and its GREAT!  

But between meals..the snacking gets me. Its not necessarily bad snacks, I just eat too many of them....and the calories PILE UP before you know it.  One day I can eat almost 1000 calories worth of snacks when I am supposed to have about 250 calories....not good! Not good at all.  Most day I do OK...but I need to do GREAT everyday.  Im over ten pounds down again...and this is when I am down to the nitty gritty.  I believe the first 10-12 pounds at my size is just mostly water weight...not sure if its a fact or not but I do know it gets significantly more difficult at this point.  I dont want to go over the same few pounds week after week....so I have to focus!

I want to be 20+ lbs down by Christmas as much as I can get off by then the better...going home for Christmas is always a challenge because Im not home and it throws me off my element not to mention my mama's amazing FOOD! So the more I have lost by that time the better position I will be in to recover when I come back home. Hopefully I wont have to recover at all. My goal is to go into 2013 more than 20 pounds lost.  The beginning of the year is always a good time for me to lose weight so if Im already down I can increase my results.  

So I am looking out for healthy snacks...
I like popcorn and granola...I do like green apples but fresh fruit goes bad so fast in my house.  If anyone has good suggestions....let me know!

Till Next Time
Snacking Light :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Packing Protein

Now that I am strength training Ive been reading and hearing that I need to have more protein...

I am done with the meatless diet for now...
Unless I hit an stubborn plateau...than Im going LIQUID!

Anywho....I decided to add whey protein to my diet...

I bought some of Jillian Micheal's Whey Protein (vanilla) from my local Wal-Mart. I add 1/2 scoop to my green smoothies.  ITS SO YUMMY & FILLING!

Whey protein contains the amino acid leucine which is very important to the fat burning process according to studies, leucine helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss...sparing it from being lost and drives your weight loss toward water and FAT...which is what we are after right? Sounds promising.

I decided to give it a try....I will only use it in the morning after my workouts for breakfast....
That way my muscle can recover from the resistance training.

Here is my green smoothie recipe:
1/2 scoop Jillian Micheal's Vanilla Whey Protein
3/4 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 cup of Great Value Frozen Fruit (Strawberry, Mango, Pineapple, Peach)
1 cup of Baby Spinach
3 oz of Low Fat Yogurt

Calories 214
Carbs 31
Fat 4
Protein 12
Fiber 15 

Till Next Time
Liking Leucine :) 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Road to Nineveh

The road you've avoided this whole time is the road you must travel.  These are words we don't want to hear....EVER.  Why cant life be easy?  Take my advise.  Don't ever ask that question.  

Some super spiritual people don't like to say things are "hard"...well I beg to differ.  Some things are HARD as DIAMONDS (they rank the highest on the Moh's scale of hardness...had to throw some science in).  Just like diamonds...hard battles are worth winning.  Im sure Jesus didnt look at the cross and say....that was easy.  Face it friends...some stuff is rough!

Admitting that does not mean your ultimate defeat...it helps you realize:

2. Through Christ...ALL battles can be won...

Your job isn't to act like its all easy...your job is to run into the arms that it is easy for.  

Now back to the subject at hand.

Nineveh...a place of historical importance.

Mostly known for Jonah's journey which is the inspiration of this entry.  Ninevah was a wicked place...full of foolishness and debauchery. None of the righteous dare set foot in there, yet God called Jonah to go in and save that place.  Jonah said NO SIR! Im out...Im going to get a ticket in the opposite direction...to safety.  Probably toward some Jewish resort...where he could worship and stay "safe".  If you dont learn anything else in life...there is NO safety in disobedience.  After nearly killing everyone on the ship...Jonah finally came to his senses...and jumped ship literally.  We know the rest of the story....if not head on over to the Old Testament and read the book of Jonah sometime...its pretty good!

We all have to go to Nineveh at some point...   
That place we are "too good for" "too smart for" "too lazy for" etc...etc...
Yet God said to go...why...to sharpen you....to prepare you for that place you've been begging him for but YOU AINT READY YET!  Jonah didn't know why God would want him in such a place...they didn't deserve his service...but Jonah didn't even deserve to know God so how could he say that?  Every creation deserves to experience everything God has for them and if you are the vessel to use....you dont have the RIGHT to refuse Him.   They deserve it because He wants them to have it...no other reason necessary. Its actually a privilege and an honor. On the other side of Nineveh is God's favor, protection and approval.  Most of all over 120,000 people were saved...for that makes it all worth it!

Who will be saved during your road to Ninevah? Whose life will be changed?  For a little discomfort..if we can save a life...we should.  Especially when we know we are covered by the greatest of them all.  His promises are still YES and AMEN...even when it hurts!   

Now get going!

Till Next Time
Nineveh Bound :)


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