Monday, March 21, 2011

Round & Round I Go!

Round and round I go where I stop nobody knows?  Ever feel this way?  It can apply to all types of situations and circumstances from finances, fitness, and all other pursuits of happiness.  You set a make a plan but some how you get to a place where you feel like "didn't I just pass this tree?" UGH!  Back to square one.....

In every new level of life there is a TESTING, the underlying question of it all is "are you committed to you really want this?"  If your answer is an unequivocal YES...then you push past that tree and say I WONT SEE YOU AGAIN!   Personally, Ive been through this in many areas but weight loss I must say has to be the most grueling.  You sweat, you eat clean and you pray.  Then the big day comes (for me its on Saturdays) and you look down at that scale and what do you see.....surely its a decrease....but no...its and DAG' ON increase.  At this point you have a decision to make....
1.  Kick the scale and eat whatever is closest and sweetest (been there before)
2.  Take a breath and reason in your mind what happened (salt intake, female bloating, muscle gain, not enough water intake) and go back to the plan

Now its testimony time.... :)
This is exactly what happened to me on Saturday....Ive been losing the same three pounds over and over...I was on my third round and enough was enough!  I got down to business...and had the NERVE to gain 2.3 pounds. No Ma'am & No Sir!  This is this point at the brink of tears....but wait....there must be a reason....looked up some sources.  A couple talked about muscle fatigue when you build new muscles, they get microscopic tears...causing INFLAMMATION and WATER RETENTION.  Hmmm were my muscles sore?  OH YES!  That coupled with my female enjoyments....gave a reason that I could live with.  This body was designed by an awesome creator and has mechanisms that are amazing and for my I can cope with the change...and now a few days later...I am back to where I should be....with a loss!  Victory!
You wrote the vision, now work it!  Now you may wanna question or edit the vision to ensure its validity.  What were your sources?  Are they reliable? The Sugar Cube and Ice Cream Diet by Breyers may not be the best book read right now....OK?  As a scientist my way of thinking is methodical and I am always verifying...even the Word tells us to have two or three witnesses.  If its in that book...that's all sources I need...anything true can be verified there! 

Dont give up on your aforementioned this can apply to that business plan, that college course or that relationship.

Pass your tests!   Someone is counting on your victory....including YOU!

"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."

Till Next Time....

Breezing through this test.... :) 


doggit i keep losing my comment! what are your thoughts on those body mass indicators? are you dropping dress sizes even though your weight doesn't move?--Victoria

BMI is just simply based on your height and inches so it doesnt take into account your body makeup like muscles and things like the average football player is "obese" to those standards.

Its a good indicator for those who dont fit into those extreme categories...for me...right now its a good indicator but I know based on my body makeup a good weight for me is a bit higher than other females my height...

My pants are a lil bit looser...a real lil bit but I rejoice anyhow!

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