Looking Into My Future

Life has brought me obstacles but with my faith coupled with diligence I have overcome it...watch me win!

White Plains, NY

I love my City!!! It birthed a Champion!

A Piece of Me

A life full of great memories always begins with a great family and some good friends :)

My Destination

Success is only one decision away...will you choose wisely?

My Passion!

Education is our most valuable resource as a society...we must work to preserve it and build a brighter future!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dont I look tired??? 

Are any of you experiencing extreme fatigue?  I'm 16 lbs down now and have switched my workouts to walking at least 3miles/day and I must say.....I HAS TAKEN ME DOWN!  I dont feel like doing anything...all I want to do is sleep!  I think I will start to take my multivitamins more frequently (I tend to forget to take them...).  I dont even want to play my Wii...I dont last 10 minutes...

I am also noticing I have a loss in appetite as well...NOT LIKE ME!  Yet it has been doing wonders for my weight loss....because my last range (refer to my last blog entry) was so difficult to get out of and I believe I have finally seen the last of that one.  So should I be excited about this new energy level?  From my research losing weight is supposed to increase your energy levels for several reasons.  So whats my issue?  Hmmm not too sure.  I will just equate it all to not enough nutrients in my system to match my exercise levels....

I'm a bit apprehensive about increasing my food intake because I dont want to hinder my losing....I want to get out this range as well....I want to be at 20lbs down by my next Slim Down Saturday report (which you can watch conveniently on the right hand side of this page under "Latest Slim Down Report ----->).  I am on the right track steadily moving toward that mark!
My plan of action is to start my vitamins tomorrow morning....I have:
  1. One a Day (Active Women's)
  2. Hair/Nail Supplement
  3. Fish Oil Supplement
  4. CLA
Stay tuned for how that goes....
Do you have any advice for me?  I would love to know how you handle this...
Till Next Time...
Pushing through because I have stuff to do! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Break It Up...

How much weight are you trying to lose?  Some of us are trying to lose LARGE amounts and that alone can be discouraging. Personally, I am trying to lose about 80 pounds....WOAH!  I know its a lot.  That makes it hard to put 1 or 2 pounds in perspective because there is so much more to go.  Experts say that one should break up their large goal into small doable pieces so that we dont get discouraged.  Its a great way for you to put things into perspective.  

What I do is I look at what I call "ranges", what I mean by that is each set of tens (the 150s, 200s, 220s, etc...).  Wherever I start, my next goal is to get to the next range down.  So for instance, I started in the 250s (I know I can hardly believe it myself) and my next goal was to get into the 240s (which I did) and now I am in the 230s.  So Ive seen three ranges!  It just makes me feel better than looking at how far I am from my goal, which is 6 ranges away!  Now that I put it out there I have no choice but to do something....cause I dont want to look back at this and say DOH!

I think its a good way for all of us to think about our goals, even in life...instead of looking at what is going to take 20 years, work on what will take 6 months.  When you accomplish that you will feel awesome and you will be one step closer to your 20 year plan.  Dont give up...this is a challenge...dont talk about your journey to everyone...they may discourage you.  Pick your battles and your meals wisely :)

Till Next Time...
Busting through the next range!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Am I Doing This?

So at some point in your life when you are making life changes, you have to ask yourself....WHY AM I DOING THIS?  When it comes to weight loss there are various reasons from various people. Some want to just look better, others want to for their health or to lessen the pain from backaches and such.  Regardless of the reasons, you have to look at yourself NOW and make sure you like who you are.  Sure you may want to change your size or a certain part of your body BUT you have like yourself. TODAY!  Not a false identity that many overweight people have (that usually causes them to make a fool of themselves)  but a confidence that comes from within. 

I want to lose weight.  I cant wear the things I want to with ease.  It makes me upset! Yes this is all true.  Yet when I look the the mirror I dont cry, I dont hate myself; I actually really like what I see.  I just know I can look better.  I dont settle for the fact that society just wont accept me right now because of myself size....HMPH! Puhleeeze! I deserve top notch treatment now  and I will get it! I do not just decide to look a mess 100% of the time (Im working on that 5% of the time that I do let it go) because I am not there yet.  I am there! In my mind I am everything I dream to be...that is why I can smile in the midst of stagnant weeks and bloating or a mishap with my self control.  I know no matter what the outcome....I WIN!

Besides that, I am actually a great person.  I wont limit myself to the outside.  That would not be fair.  I take evaluation of the total person.  The love I have for others, the passion I have for God and the heart to be excellent in everything I do.  That is really who I am!  I will be that whether I am 150lb or if I am 3000lb.  

I encourage you all that read this [I know you're out there because the counter keeps increasing..comment and follow...will ya!] to not limit yourself but see yourself in the future.  Dont let your outside be the determining factor to your self esteemIts not.  There is more to you.  If you dont, you most likely wont be happy when you reach your goal and if you are your self esteem is built on a shaky foundation.

Whats your foundation built on....
What someone told you?  What you think?  Sometimes either of these can be faulty...check out Psalms 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
So the creator of the world, the most wise one made me and all his works are good?  Well that settles it for me.  I dont need another opinion. 

Repeat "I LOVE ME"!  
Guess what....I love you too!

Till Next Time....
So Happy Being Me :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Love For Walking

I dont like exercise.  I will be the first to admit it.  It makes me tired, I sweat and it causes people to see how uncoordinated my movements can be :).  Despite all of that, lets face it you cannot lose significant weight without exercise unless you plan to starve yourself. Which I dont ever plan to do.

Growing up in metro NY has it benefits; good fashion sense, exposure to different cultures, knowing Spanglish, and developing the ability to walk for long periods of time.  At some time or another every city kid has walked over a mile with no thought.  In my thin days I used to walk up to 3 miles a day for leisure.  So that was the way I was able to maintain my 140-150lb frame while eating Kennedy's Fried Chicken  (a local greasy spoon) whenever I pleased among other things. 

So walking it happens to be my favorite exercise and its actually amazingly good for my health.  

It burns major calories 
Raises HDL the good cholesterol
Lowers LDL the bad cholesterol
Major stress reliever

I usually walk about 3-6 miles a day
Which allows me to burn 400-700 calories at a time

I walk about 3.5 miles/hour

Till Next Time....
Caminando a mi propia canciĆ³n (Walking to my own song) 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eat Your Oatmeal!!!

Mama was right again!  Oatmeal is an excellent start of the day!  Its hard to believe that something that filled with CARBS (every dieters enemy) could help you lose weight and maintain health.  Well as for me....I am not on a diet so I love carbs I just use with much moderation.  Its not like carbs have more "calories" its just that you body absorbs more water for every gram of carbohydrates you eat.  So that is why it seems as if you gain more.  MYTH BUSTED! POP!

Anyway,  oatmeal has so many health benefits not only pertaining to weight loss but overall body health.  Lets start with the obvious
Like most carbs they are great sources of ENERGY!  Oatmeal is a complex carb which means it burns SLOWLY...giving you a lasting energy boost.  This will also kill unnecessary hunger pangs before lunchtime. 

It is a excellent source of FIBER...one thing that can happen when you are cutting calories is that you cut nutrition which impedes digestion.  Constipation is common among those losing weight...but if you are like me....anything extra is a hindrance to the scale...everything must go!  Just adding a lil bit of oatmeal to your diet will boost your fiber intake and push along any extra colon carry you may have around.  IT WORKS!

VITAMIN E:  Every woman's best friend (and men too)!  If you want pretty skin and healthy hair (which I have both) vitamin E is a must have.  Try mixing some oatmeal in your facial scrub or shampoo and see and feel the difference.  It will amaze you!  Also eating oatmeal will get this processes going from the inside OUT!

The possibilities are endless...it can help fight cancer, acne and so much more!  

How I use it:
My midnight Smoothie (recipe in previous blog Late Night Hunger Pangs) which I now drink in the mornings :)

Eat it the old fashion way....in a bowl
I use almond milk (my favorite) and sometimes banana or brown sugar depend on how I feel.

Avoid the instant packs....or use them sparingly.  They are filled with junk sometimes....so be careful....they trick us into thinking we are eating healthy and we are not....

So remember eat your oats kids!

Till Next Time....
 Stirring my pot of oats :) 

How do you eat your oatmeal? Do you eat it at all....I would love to know :) 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Key to Hair Growth

Want long hair?  Yeah most people do.  Want the secret to growing long hair?  Come closer.   All you have to do is......


Simple enough right?  Its true.  All you need to do is make sure your ends are not breaking off.  See a misconception is that when you dont see growth its because your hair is not growing.  EVERYONE'S HAIR GROWS.  Not at the same rate but it is growing.  If it wasn't you would never need a touch up of relaxer or color....that stuff that is coming out your head is GROWTH.  That's why we call it "new growth"  but if your ends are breaking off at the same rate or faster than its growth it will appear to stay the same or to be getting shorter respectively. 

There some simple things you can do to make sure your hair doesn't break off:

  1. Tie your hair up at night with a satin bonnet/scarf
    •  Your husband may not be excited about this....but he wants you to look good right (just use a designer scarf or something...it will be ok)  or sleep on satin sheets and pillow cases
  2. Moisturize those ends everyday!!!! PLEASE
    • I use my butters and recipes that I am preparing to sell (stay tuned) on my entire head and especially on my ends and crown (which is a completely different texture and needs special assistance).  I do it at night personally.
  3. Trim your ends regularly
    • This was my weak point (Im better now). I trim my hair every 2 months or 8 weeks.  If you are relaxed that would be around every touch up unless you are stretching.  (Which takes lots of care).  Those ends were not meant to last forever...give them a fresh start once in a while.  EMPHASIS ON TRIM.  Watch your hairdresser some of them are haters....they will CUT just to keep you coming...
 It works.....
My hair is on its way past APL (arm pit length) because of this....

Did you know that exercise also stimulates hair growth?  Well it does....
Dont forget to eat you green leafy vegetables.....they are full of vitamins especially vitamin E which is very beneficial to the hair and skin.  

Till Next Time....
Doing a hair flip.... :)

How to Recover From a Slump

 Have you had a week yet where you just didn't do ANYTHING toward your goals.  I mean NOTHING! That was me last week...I worked out twice but also ate twice as much the whole entire week.  So of course the scale was not my friend.   My Wii Fit Board is disgusted with me!  

So how do you move past the pain?  YOU JUST DO IT!  I saw a number that I did NOT want to see on that scale yesterday...even though I knew most of it was water weight...if I continued on this path it would be that and more!  So I literally said to myself....you have to get up and do something before you gained all the weight you've lost and have to start all over again! EMERGENCY SITUATION!  That first step back is the hardest because your body does NOT want to do it.  Remember that YOU are in control of everything you do.  Dont let laziness talk you out of achieving physical fitness and walking in good health.

God wants us to be healthy...but we have to play our part :)

So I know I said I would be doing TBL Cardio Max/Power Sculpt combo...but Ive switched it to WALKING.  My absolute favorite activity...so far Ive been doing 3 miles each day and my weight has regulated.  I'm not going back!  

AND NEITHER ARE YOU!  Push it to the limit....WE CAN DO THIS!

Till Next Time....
Walking to my destiny :)


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